Privacy Policy
This privacy policy sets out Interactive Health Solutions commitment to your privacy and the protection of personal information.
Interactive Health Solutions undertakes to observe the terms of the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles.
A copy of the National Privacy Principles may be obtained from the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner or downloaded from the Commissioner’s web site at
This privacy policy sets out Interactive Health Solutions commitment to your privacy and the protection of personal information.
Interactive Health Solutions undertakes to observe the terms of the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles.
A copy of the National Privacy Principles may be obtained from the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner or downloaded from the Commissioner’s web site at
Collection of Personal Information
Personal information is any information or an opinion about you where your identify is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained. It includes almost all information which is in some way connected to you. It goes beyond your name, address and contact details and includes any sensitive information that we hold and which can be identified as being information relating to you.
At Interactive Health Solutions, we may hold personal information relating to you which is the subject of this Privacy Policy including the following:
- A record of your name, address, age, dependants and contact details including telephone numbers and in some cases facsimile numbers, e-mail addresses and Post Office box numbers.
- Depending upon whether you have made an occupational injury claim, information concerning your health and any medical treatment, including details of where, when and from whom you have received that medical treatment and the nature of that treatment and information about your employer.
- Information concerning medical assessments and other reports that pertain to your occupational injury. Some of the personal information we hold may be exempt from the strict compliance requirements of the National Privacy Principles. For example some information we may be required by law to collect and disclose to government agencies. How we use and disclose this personal information may determine whether or not it is subject to this Privacy Policy and the National Privacy Principles. We will not collect any personal information unless that personal information is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities and where lawful and practicable. We will always collect your personal information by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way. When collecting sensitive (including health information),
we will only do so with your consent or in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.
We will only collect sensitive (including health) information directly from you or from third parties with all necessary consents.
Use And Disclosure Of Personal Information
Interactive Health Solutions collects, uses and discloses any relevant personal information for a range of purposes.
We collect your personal information to enable us to provide the return to work services. This personal information assists us in connection with the range of activities required to be undertaken by us to provide you with these services including:
- Workplace assessments, assessment of your status, assessment of suitable equipment and/or aids, functional capacity evaluations (which measure the tasks you can safely perform), vocational assessments to assist in making decisions about suitable alternative work if required, assisting with job seeking skills, assistance with securing suitable alternative employment if required, arranging suitable training if required.
- Providing advice about the suitability of duties and any workstation modifications that may be required.
- Assisting your employer/prospective employer to find suitable duties.
- Providing you with information about services offered by us and communicating with all key parties involved in your particular situation such as employer, insurer, treating medical practitioner(s), union representative if appropriate, and other health practitioners.
- Collecting, compiling and disclosing relevant data to relevant parties where we are required by law to make such a disclosure.
- Making any other use of disclosure of that information as may be required by law. In the course of carrying on our functions and activities we may be required to disclose some or all of your personal information to a range of other individuals and organisations. Some of these are individuals or organisations who provide services to us to assist us in fulfilling our functions and activities. Others may be individual or organisations with whom you have direct dealings and who have provided services to you. The types of individuals and organisations to who we may disclose your personal information include:
- Those who assist us in administering or providing our services, such as, for example, insurers, employers, treating medical and allied health practitioners, union representatives (if appropriate) and other relevant service providers.
- Our professional advisers.
- Government agencies, where we are required by law to disclose this personal information. Security Of Personal Information Interactive Health Solutions takes all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. We will also take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification of disclosure in accordance of the requirements of the National Privacy Principles.
Interactive Health Solutions maintains its security as detailed in the IHS Security Policy and further to this ensures that all files and information pertaining to clients and stakeholders, are kept locked at all times in compactuses and filing cabinets; with access to these only available to those working directly on the files.
Access To And Correction Of Personal Information
Interactive Health Solutions provides to you a right to obtain access to the personal information that we hold in accordance with the Privacy Act.
You may request details of the personal information we hold about you by contacting Ms Heather Kane at the on telephone number 02 8084 0503.
Depending upon the circumstances of your request for access, we may ask you to complete a personal information access request form and require you to identify yourself and to prove your entitlement to receive the personal information that you request.
We will release to you details of the personal information we hold and which we are required by the Privacy Act to release. Accordingly, we may not provide personal information in response to your request to the extent that it may not be appropriate and we are not obliged by law to do so. For example, we may refuse your request where:
- Providing access would pose a serious threat (or in the case of personal information other than the health information, a serious and imminent threat) to the life or health of any individual; or
- Your request for access is frivolous or vexatious; or
- It is otherwise appropriate for us to refuse your request so that we can meet our obligations to you or others in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. If we refuse you access to any personal information we will provide you with a reason for the refusal. We may also consider the use of an agreed intermediary to receive the personal information rather than you if this is appropriate, or we may try to reach an amicable solution that meets the needs of all concerned. If you are aware that any of your personal information that we hold is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please let us know so that we can update our file. If any of your personal information is incorrect, we will correct that personal information or if we refuse to do so you will be provided with a reason for the refusal. In any event, if we do refuse to make a correction, we will take reasonable steps to place with any disputed information a statement from you claiming that the disputed information, in your opinion, is not accurate, complete or up-to-date.
Privacy collection notice
Interactive Health Solutions is providing your personal information as part of the workplace rehabilitation provider application to SIRA so they can assess that you are appropriately qualified to deliver workplace rehabilitation services. SIRA will disclose the application information you provide to a relevant health practitioner registration body or compensation authority (“relevant governing body”) such as the Health Care Complaints Commission, any recognised allied health practitioner registration board, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, recognised health professional associations and other workers compensation or motor vehicle compulsory third party authorities in Australia.
In return, SIRA receives information from the relevant governing body in relation to your suitability. Unless it is for purposes already outlined in this privacy statement, SIRA will only disclose your information as required by law or if you consent.
If you have enquiries about accessing or correcting your personal information held by SIRA, please contact [email protected]. For further details and enquiries, please visit SIRA’s privacy page:
You can complain at any time to Interactive Health Solutions about any breach of our privacy obligations to you. Complaints about possible breaches of our privacy policy should be directed to Ms Heather Kane.
Head Office: